It is a well-known fact that each person has certain types of formations on the body, and with age, their number increases. All of the reasons of their appearance or reproduction are not fully known, however, with the help of modern technologies, their removal is no longer a problem.
It is important to remember that a seemingly harmless tumor is often cancerous, and even in the case of a benign tumor, there is always a risk of complications, which is why it is necessary to constantly monitor the tumors or remove them with the help of a professional doctor.
It should be taken into consideration that before removing the formation, it is necessary to conduct a computer study of it in order to differentiate and accurately determine the oncological risk.
In the diagnostic process, we use the latest dermatoscope from the German company FotoFinder, and the final decision on treatment or surgical intervention is made only after the above-mentioned study, which minimizes all risks.
We treat the following forms of formations:
Remember that in a multi-profile clinic ‘Kani’ with the help of the latest German cryo-destruction and electrocoagulation device, the removal of formations on the body is completely safe and painless.